United Patient Group

A Beginner’s Guide to Medical Marijuana Use
“A guide intended to help patients in California who are new to using cannabis therapeutically to treat a medical condition.”

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Medical Marijuana Laws By State
“Medical Marijuana Laws By State. How much can I legally possess? What are my rights? Do I live in a legal state? When traveling to another legal state, will they accept my ‘out of state’ recommendation? ”

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Getting a Legal Medical Marijuana Card or Recommendation
“Many doctors write legal medical marijuana prescriptions for patients suffering from a variety of pains and illnesses. Find out how to get your prescription or cannabis card here.”

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Illnesses Treatable Using Legal Medical Marijuana
“The list of illnesses which benefit from legal medical marijuana treatments is rapidly growing, as doctor and patient conduct research and preform scientific experiments using cannabis.”

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Legal Medical Marijuana Pain Management
“Legal medical marijuana offers a wide variety of uses for illness treatment. It can play an instrumental role in pain management and relief. Learn more about Legal Medical Marijuana Pain Relief here.”

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Ways to Consume Medical Marijuana
“Whether by smoking, vaporization, eating, or drinking, legal medical marijuana can be consumed in many ways, each of which has its pros and cons. Many prefer edible hash oil pills, but find out what’s best for you here.”

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Legal Rights for Medical Marijuana Patients
“As a legal medical marijuana prescription or club card holder, you are granted a certain amount of legal rights by the state of California. Check here to find out more about your rights for legal medical marijuana. ”

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United Patients Group’s Top 10 Q & A’s About Legal Medical Marijuana
“United Patients Group knows you have questions about legal medical marijuana, dispensaries, and your cannabis card. Get all the information here!”

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How Medical Marijuana Works | Composition of Marijuana
“Scientists and botanists from around the world have studied the bio-chemical composition of marijuana for decades. The concentration of THC, the primary active ingredient in cannabis, varies between strains, and between indicas and sativas.”

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Types of Medical Marijuana Strains
“UnitedPatientsGroup.com is committed to providing world class information on marijuana facts. Our strain guide offers a list of cannabis strains, including uses, strength, and other details.”

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How to Be a Medical Cannabis Caregiver
“The Compassionate Use Act of 1996 allows individuals suffering from debilitating medical conditions and diseases to use medical marijuana to relieve their symptoms without fear of criminal prosecution from state or local authorities within the state of California. This act extends its protection to patient caregivers.”

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Got Questions?
“Here’s a list of local, state and federal resources at your fingertips.”

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Traveling with Medical Marijuana
“It can be a challenge to travel for medical marijuana patients. Even in certain areas of the country, in-state travel can present problems when local ordinances vary. Patients should consider the following factors before traveling with their medication.”

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Top Books on Cannabis
“UnitedPatientsGroup.com: Patients’ Top Choices for Books on Medical Cannabis”

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Indoor and Outdoor Marijuana
“In states where medical marijuana is legal, patients can cultivate both indoor and outdoor cannabis. There are differences between the two to take into consideration although both make effective medicines.”

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Marinol vs. Marijuana – What You Need to Know
“Despite Marinol being a legal and FDA approved cannabinoid-based drug, it has several major drawbacks. Besides being expensive, many patients find that it provides only limited relief while causing unwanted side effects in comparison to marijuana itself. ”

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Patients’ Top Choices for Medical Vaporizers
“UnitedPatientsGroup.com and VaporNation.com Patients’ Top Choices for Medical Vaporizers Use Coupon Code: UPG for an extra 10% off”

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Juicing For Life – Health Conditions and Juicing
“Juicing For Life – Health Conditions and Juicing Research consistently shows that people who eat the greatest quantity of fruits and vegetables are about half as likely to develop cancer as those who eat little or no fresh fruits and vegetables.”

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United Patients Group: Top Informative Videos on Medical Cannabis
“United Patients Group: Top Informative Videos on Medical Cannabis”

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Cannabis and Brain Cancer Links
“United Patients Group: Informative Cannabis and Brain Cancer Links ”

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United Patients Group – Naturopathic Medicine
“Naturopathic Medicine is a unique and distinct system of health care that emphasizes the use of prevention and natural therapeutics.”

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Ask the Expert
“Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers.”

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United Patients Group – Cannabis Facts
“Did you know? United Patients Group – Cannabis Facts”

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DEA – Drug Scheduling
“Drug Schedules Drugs, substances, and certain chemicals used to make drugs are classified into five (5) distinct categories or schedules depending upon the drug’s acceptable medical use and the drug’s abuse or dependency potential.”

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“Citicoline is a brain chemical that occurs naturally in the body. As a medicine, it is taken by mouth as a supplement or given by IV or as a shot.”

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Check for Interactions with Cannabis
“Before incorporating Medical Cannabis into your regimen while on other medications, ALWAYS consult with your doctor prior. Drugs.com: Know more. Be Sure. ”

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US Cannabis Patents
“US Patents on Cannabis as a Medicine”

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Write Your Senators
“United States Senate: Senators of the 113th Congress”

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10 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar for Great Health and At Home
“Apple Cider Vinegar has many all-natural uses. Apple Cider Vinegar enthusiasts suggest to take a tablespoon or two a day to fight everything including gout, diabetes, allergies, and cancer.”

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DrugDangers.com – Educating the Public
“DrugDangers.com’s goal is to keep the public educated and informed of all defective medical devices and dangerous medications that are currently on the market. ”

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