Total Oxygen Cleanse Resolve Special

$ 49.95

Total Oxygen Cleanse Resolve Special – one Colosan Capsules & one Hepasan. When you resolve to maintain internal cleanliness for health and vitality there is no better way than to use Colosan a thorough oxygen colon and intestinal cleanse and Hepasan our gentle liver kidney and gall bladder flush.

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Total Oxygen Cleanse Resolve Special – one Colosan Capsules & one Hepasan. When you resolve to maintain internal cleanliness for health and vitality there is no better way than to use Colosan a thorough oxygen colon and intestinal cleanse and Hepasan our gentle liver kidney and gall bladder flush. Get a great price and free shipping on The Total Oxygen Cleanse and it only takes ……… ONE WEEK ?!? Join the thousands of people who have attained vitality by engaging in the TOTAL OXYGEN CLEANSE. All you need is Colosan and Hepasan. It’s so simple and thorough that everyone is doing it. This is how it’s done: Take six capsules of Colosan three times a day for seven days. It is important to take Colosan with ample water on an empty stomach and wait an hour before consuming anything else. On the third day start taking four capsules of Hepasan three times a day around mealtime for the rest of the week. The Total Oxygen Cleanse is a thorough, gentle cleanse of the intestines, colon, liver, gall bladder and kidneys. It is simple and convenient. What are you waiting for?


COLOSAN CAPSULES – Gently cleanse the digestive tract with oxygen using these gentle, easy to use capsules. Enjoy the best oxygenation colon cleanser of all time in capsule form. With Colosan Capsules you can dissolve impaction, eliminate toxins and parasites, prevent candida and enjoy regularity with proper colon hygiene. Six capsules will effect a thorough flush also one or two capsules can be taken as a stool softener. 120 – 500 mg. caps.




HEPASAN Liver Kidney & Gall Bladder Flush is a liver, kidney and gall bladder flush that combines the best of modern science and traditional American folk medicine. Hepasan starts detoxification with powerful antioxidants that boost ATP to burn fat and toxins. Fat and toxins are the two enemies that cause the liver to clog and not function optimally. Hepasan increases microcirculation providing better flow through the fine capillaries of the liver. It thins the blood, bile and interstitial fluids to flush these vital organs. Contains Black Strap Molasses 95% sugar removed, Red Clover, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Potassium Citrate, Phosphorus, Malic Acid and Acetyl Cysteine for a five day cleanse. 60 Capsules

It takes a week to thoroughly cleanse the colon and the liver. Our oxygen based colon and liver cleanse consists of two parts of five days each that overlap adding up to one week in total. There are five days for cleaning the digestive tract and five days of liver kidney and gall bladder cleanse. Both components revolve around oxidation of toxins and oxygenation for cellular metabolism. We call it the Total Oxygen Cleanse or TOC.It is important to clean out the organs of elimination prior to flushing the liver so that it has a place to empty into. If the liver and gall bladder suddenly dump a toxic load down a backed up drain things overflow back into the blood stream. This can create a terrible feeling of malaise commonly known as a detox reaction. Other terms commonly used to refer to this ordeal are Herksheimer reaction, healing crisis or Hoxsey reaction. There is no reason to subject ones self to what can be easily avoided by using oxygen to cleanse the colon and clear the drain prior to cleansing the liver.Many cleansing regimens, although effective, are rough on the system. They can also be so unpleasant tasting and complicated that few people have the fortitude to see them all the way through. Compliance is everything. If you don’t finish – it’s not a cleanse. By analogy, you can’t say that you ran a mile if you stop halfway down the block because of a stone in your shoe. The Total Oxygen Cleanse is as easy as it is effective.Here is a brief description of this simple gentle and convenient seven day regimen. On days one through five concentrate on cleaning out the digestive tract by taking Colosan. On days three though seven take Hepasan liver, kidney and gall bladder flush. That’s a total of two parts of five days for each. They overlap on days three, four and five comprising one simple week long cleanse.he liver’s energy. Lipophilic xenoestrogens include such cancerous substances as DDT. It is important to get them out of the body.

Seven Day Two Part Total Oxygen Cleanse – The Total Oxygen Cleanse – One Week Colon and Liver Cleanse

Part I Days 1-5 Take Colosan 3 times a day for 5 days on an empty stomach.
Part II Days 3-7 Hepasan is taken 4 capsules with 6 ounces of apple juice 3 times a day for 5 days generally around mealtime.

It takes a week to thoroughly cleanse the colon and the liver. Our oxygen based colon and liver cleanse consists of two parts of five days each that overlap adding up to one week in total. There are five days for cleaning the digestive tract and five days of liver kidney and gall bladder cleanse. Both components revolve around oxidation of toxins and oxygenation for cellular metabolism. We call it the Total Oxygen Cleanse or TOC.It is important to clean out the organs of elimination prior to flushing the liver so that it has a place to empty into. If the liver and gall bladder suddenly dump a toxic load down a backed up drain things overflow back into the blood stream. This can create a terrible feeling of malaise commonly known as a detox reaction. Other terms commonly used to refer to this ordeal are Herksheimer reaction, healing crisis or Hoxsey reaction. There is no reason to subject ones self to what can be easily avoided by using oxygen to cleanse the colon and clear the drain prior to cleansing the liver.Many cleansing regimens, although effective, are rough on the system. They can also be so unpleasant tasting and complicated that few people have the fortitude to see them all the way through. Compliance is everything. If you don’t finish – it’s not a cleanse. By analogy, you can’t say that you ran a mile if you stop halfway down the block because of a stone in your shoe. The Total Oxygen Cleanse is as easy as it is effective.Here is a brief description of this simple gentle and convenient seven day regimen. On days one through five concentrate on cleaning out the digestive tract by taking Colosan. On days three though seven take Hepasan liver, kidney and gall bladder flush. That’s a total of two parts of five days for each. They overlap on days three, four and five comprising one simple week long cleanse.he liver’s energy. Lipophilic xenoestrogens include such cancerous substances as DDT. It is important to get them out of the body.Seven Day Two Part Total Oxygen Cleanse
Part I Days 1-5 Take Colosan 3 times a day for 5 days on an empty stomach.
Part II Days 3-7 Hepasan is taken 4 capsules with 6 ounces of apple juice 3 times a day for 5 days generally around mealtime.


Muitos profissionais da saúde alegam que toda doença começa no cólon e, inversamente, que o bem-estar começa com uma cólon saudável. É por isso que acreditamos que para a saúde ideal, é fundamental  limpar de 10-12 quilos de acumulação de matéria termotolerantes tipicamente encontradas no cólon de uma pessoa média. Há muitos produtos de limpeza do cólon no mercado, mas a maioria deles não têm a vantagem de oxigenar as entranhas, ao mesmo tempo. É por isso que acreditamos que nossos produtos de limpeza do cólon são os melhores disponíveis atualmente. Também acho que essa é uma abordagem muito mais segura do que usar produtos como casca de psyllium, que freqüentemente são alergênicos, ou laxantes à base de plantas que são irritantes de fato. Como esses produtos não oxigenam o cólon não detêm a cândida e parasitas.

Colosan é um produto oxigenador que originalmente adquirido como uma alternativa para Homozon, quando não foi possível obter o abastecimento regular. Ele contém 1/3 rd mais pó do que Homozon e é, portanto, melhor valor para o dinheiro. Na realidade, os dois produtos são muito semelhantes. A maioria das pessoas não nota qualquer diferença, mas às vezes algumas pessoas parecem ter respondido melhor a Colosan e algumas pessoas melhor  a Homozon. Nós não sabemos a razão para isto dada a similaridade dos produtos

Recentemente, nós introduzimos um terceiro produto semelhante a pedido de dois profissionais – Oxy-Pó. Dos três produtos, Colosan (em pó) é o melhor valor para o seu dinheiro. Nós estamos interessados em qualquer feedback que recebemos dos clientes na qual eles encontram o mais eficaz.

Colosan é um composto de magnésio e oxigênio no qual os átomos de magnésio formam uma rede frouxa para que o oxigênio é ligado por um processo catalítico. Quando tomado com suco de limão ou outros sucos ácidos, o oxigênio é liberado no interior do trato digestivo, produzindo poderosos efeitos detoxicante. Ele limpa o intestino, e pode ter propriedades benéficas anti-fúngicos e anti-candida, anti-virais e anti-bacteriana.

Sugestão de Uso

 Recomenda-se de 3-6 cápsulas por dia, durante um período de limpeza inicial de 7 dias. Note que esta é uma alta dosagem e é forte demais para muitas pessoas.  No entanto, se você estiver usando o produto como um laxante suave ou para o alívio da constipação e não de lavagem intestinal, é pouco provável que você terá de tomar uma dose tão alta e 1-3 cápsulas por dia, provavelmente será o suficiente.



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