

$ 59.00

Miracle Smoke™  10 ML CBD Vapor . Our Miracle Smoke™  CBD at 30% Strenth Pure Premium CBD ™  is  the highest percentage of Cbd in the Industry .

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What is CBD? How Does it work ?

CBD and THC are the two primary canabinoids produced by the illegal/bad rap ” Marijuana” plant and its Good Rap sister plant “Hemp “.  CBD does not have THC like pyschoactivity. CBD has a huge recent demand, and recent interests in its therapeutic potential have been increasing in the Media, as seen recently on CNN, Fox, NBC and many other American and European stations. CBD works through a number of complex mechanisms. Preclinical studies, indicate that CBD has analgesic (pain relieving), anti-convulsant, anti-psychotic and neuroprotectant effects.

CBD has no known side effects, and studies have shown significant health effects.

The CNN program hosted by Dr.Sanjay Gupta in August 2013, portrayed the case of a little girl with horrible, life-intractable epilepsy. According to Dr. Gupta, her condition was greatly improved by a CBD-rich preparation. Understandably, this program resulted in enormous interest in CBD from families with children with epilepsy. There are many other studies that have been blowing up the demand for CBD products. With many reports on numerous other medical conditions that seem to have been helped by CBD, the health benefits are endless .

Do you get high from smoking CBD ?

CBD causes you to feel “calm” and is used as a a anti-anxiety health suppliment, however, it has no THC, so you will not get high.  In having no THC, you, and your customers, will not have to worry about failing a THC drug test.


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