Global Medical Cannabis Declaration

Welcome to Patients Out of Time

cannabis_declaration_2Please sign the Global Medical Cannabis Declaration and encourage your friends to sign it as well.

The Directors of Patients Out of Time, Inc. are grateful for the financial contributions of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, Cannabis Science Inc. and the Cannabis Patients Union toward the success of The Eighth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics in May 2014 in establishing again the science base on which all cannabis therapeutics are practiced.

Patients Out of Time is pleased to announce, in order to continue to provide high quality, cutting-edge education, our conference will now be held annually rather than every other year. The Ninth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics is coming in Spring 2015. Raphael Mechoulam PhD., Professor of Medical Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel will be the keynote speaker.

Coming this summer – “The Medical Cannabis Institute”, an on-line, accredited, international clinical and therapeutic cannabis educational organization.

About the Conference

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