My English not so good…..so bare with me. 

One day, sad day……at the bedside of my passing away mother I promised her that I was going to try to break the cycle of long terms genocides. I looked into a route that would quick, efficient, with minimal side effects and damage ….a GOD given thing. I feel I’m in my way to fulfill that promised…….I sense I’m on the right track.

Instead of writing a paragraph about it or myself, I decided to just create a resume that would show the efforts in acquiring knowledge so to have some way of filtering the information on the net. I’m gonna try to do exactly that despite the advice of the Cannagurus that it would be a tall order I’m undertaking this challenge to achieve it anyways.

A hub of good and solid information about all that is important and beneficial about Cannabis.

A  world traveler, researcher, knowledge seeker I have been advocating and learning about this plant for more than 4 decades.
Faced with enormously adversities and marginalization I kept on have the faith to never let go of this intent. By interacting with several growers in India, Afghanistan, Hawai, USA and the natives in Brazil that I have gained some fascination with the possibilities in latency of cannabis. Humans are evolving towards much more acceptance of the pronounced and inalienable benefits in so many areas.
I’m very invested in learning every aspect of this industry so to satisfy my inclinations to contribute in any fashion to the well-being of others without having to change their temperament or sickening their metabolism. Time has come for me to embrace this possibility of exploring all that this plant has to give. I personally consider IIt to be a Gift to mankind.

MMTU | Medical Marijuana Tampa United

Caregiver | Budtender | Medical Protocols | Cultivator | Laws & Business Regulations | Edibles | Managment

CTU | Cannabis Training University

Master Cannabis

THC University – Jorge Cervantes

Medical Budtending | Grow Basics | Horticulture Specialist | Laws,  Regulations and Compliance | Cannabis Business

CCI | Cannabis Career Institute

2 Seminars

Primarily and fundamentally attend the calls of this Heart so to nurture and enhance my wishes to care for others.
My objectives in this field are continuing research towards specialization in extraction methods, delivering systems and growing technics.



A close study that contemplates that which keep us Alive.

“What moves the atom moves You”

College Education

Civil Engineering (bridges, hydraulics, and alternative structures)  from 73 to 76 – Unfinished  – CIVIL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING OF ITATIBA _ BRAZIL
Barry University 1979  – Undergraduate course in photography. USA

Skills, Studies & Certifications

Photographer & Videographer

Sports Photography, Performings Arts and Web Photography.
Video/photo and sound editor (beginner)


Open Sources Platforms: WordPress | Joomla |  E-Commerce

Food Research and Design

Medical Cannabis Chocolatier and Dessert Creation
Restaurant Operator | Menu Creation | Balanced Food Combination
Sports Nutrition Focused on Detox and Performance
Nutrition by DNA Profiles and Blood Type Nutritionist

Soccer Coach

US Soccer Federation | All levels (8) to a Lifetime B License | Have audit 2x the A Licence | Advanced Goalkeeping II
NSCAA – National Soccer Coaches Association of America | Audit the A
20+ Seminars from Top Coaches and Educators
Specialized in Physical, Technical and Functional Training

Alternative Health Practitioner

Iridology Level 2
AIS | Active Isolated Stretch
Erick Dalton | Myofascial Alignments
Ki-Iki | Electric Body Circuitry | Mapping Practioner | King Institute
Light Touch | MDD_Molecular Disease Diffusion


Ceo and Buying Agent for SouthBound Corporation and Skywalker Communications. 80’S
Field Coach for Uruguay SC – 2001 USA Champions in the Amateur Division  1999 t0 2002
Editor / Photographer / Webmaster / Owner of Soccerview, The Artmedium and Satdiva . From 1978 to present
Restaurant Operator 90″s





All instructors are industry leaders. The Master Grower and education program creators have been growing and teaching indoor growing for collectively 100+ years.







Cannabis Training University is the world’s leading online marijuana school and was developed to provide quality and comprehensive medical marijuana education to students across the globe. No longer must students live in a medical marijuana state to get cutting edge information about how to start a cannabis career.





Medical Protocol Certification | Caregiver | Budtender | Manager | Cooking and Edibles | Cultivator

Marijuana Dispensary |Budtending | Cannabis Business | Edibles Operation | Cultivation Management

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